Thursday, March 6, 2014

Teachable moments

Occasionally on show-and-tell days, a student forgets to bring his or her item. When that happens, Mrs. Connie and Mrs. LeeAnne help the child find something interesting in the classroom,  a locker, or backpack to share. Today we let one student borrow the big stuffed penguin who lives in our classroom.

After telling us all about Mr. Penguin's colors, textures, habitat, and letter (it's "P" week, after all!), she sat down with the penguin and squeezed him tightly. This resulted in Mr. P emitting a strange sound; apparently air had been stuck somewhere inside him and decided to come out when she hugged him. With big eyes, she looked up and said, "Mrs.  Connie, the penguin pooted!"

Without missing a beat, Mrs. Connie stood up and asked the class, "What does POOT start with?" And yes, they all got the answer right! 

When it comes to K3, every moment is a teachable moment! 

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