Monday, October 19, 2015

A visit from the fire truck

Last week we had a very special treat--a visit from our neighborhood firefighters ... and their big truck! We met the firefighters from Station 8, and we learned about fire safety. Your children were supposed to come home and show you their stop-drop-and-roll and discuss a family meeting place in the event of a fire ... did they remember? ;~)

Capt. Jackson talks with the students about fire safety.

They were all ears; we've never seen them this still or this quiet!

One of the most important things this visit does for the children is that it allows them to see a firefighter in his "costume" as they called it. In real emergencies, some children are afraid of firefighters when they're dressed this way, and instead of running toward him as a helper they run away out of fear. We don't want that to happen to our babies! Our students learned why the firefighter wears a special costume, and they even got to hear him breathe through his mask with the oxygen turned on. They learned that if there's ever a fire in their home or school, even though the firefighter might look silly in his or her costume, they're there to help, and the children should run to them.

No one was scared here -- high 5's for everyone!

Finally, we actually got to go inside the fire truck! Some students were nervous and some were super excited, but everyone was really brave and took a peek. 

Do we love firefighters? YES WE DO! 

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